Computer Science from the Metal Up

I created the initial set of resources, but my hope is to publish resources developed by others to a comparable standard. If you have, or are thinking of developing, such resources and would like them to be considered, or if you are interested in translating an existing resource into a different language (either natural language or programming language) please contact me.

My career in computing started in January 1977 with Commodore, and in the intervening 45 years have worked in many different computing related roles: software development, product management, advanced robotics, electronic toy design, management consulting, journalism and broadcasting, gaining a PhD in Computer Science along the way. From 2016-2019 I taught A-level Computer Science at Stowe School - initially OCR before switching to AQA. I greatly enjoyed my time teaching, but was appalled by the standard of the commercially-produced textbooks and other resources, especially in regard to the more challenging - but more interesting - topics such as OOP, Functional Programming, Assembly Language programming, REST, ... So I started to write my own. I hope you find them useful - please do email me your feedback, whether positive or negative, and - if you are able - join me in helping to raise the standard of computer science teaching resources.

Richard Pawson

Richard Pawson